“Hollywood’s Wonder”


The weather in Hollywood has been fantastic. Tourist from all over the world flock to Hollywood’s Wonder View Dr. to see the panoramic and photogenic views of Hollywood, Los Angeles and the famous “Hollywood” sign. In the early years of Hollywood the sign read “Hollywoodland“. This quarter mile drive will get you about as close as you can possibly get to the sign. Although, you can’t walk up to the sign itself this is still one of the best jewels of Hollywood and should not be missed while visiting the area. 

Larry Haney

“Road To Hell”

Well, I started my role in “Road To hell” as it just began filming. Very excited as i play the role as a (Bad Sheriff) This is a adventure indeed.

What is going to happen? What makes this Sheriff bad? What does he do?

Well, all is just ahead. I then will be starting another feature film. More information to come soon.


-Larry Haney