“Hollywood’s Wonder”


The weather in Hollywood has been fantastic. Tourist from all over the world flock to Hollywood’s Wonder View Dr. to see the panoramic and photogenic views of Hollywood, Los Angeles and the famous “Hollywood” sign. In the early years of Hollywood the sign read “Hollywoodland“. This quarter mile drive will get you about as close as you can possibly get to the sign. Although, you can’t walk up to the sign itself this is still one of the best jewels of Hollywood and should not be missed while visiting the area. 

Larry Haney

“History From The Set Of “Road To Hell”

Not only was filming here amazing but, so is the incredible history Calico has behind it!


So amazing you can actually feel the history run through your veins. There is just something very cool about this place.

Here I give you some of the History of this Ghost Town “Calico”


Late in the 1800’s Calico was busy with prospectors searching for its mineral riches. Silver was discovered here and the Calico Mining District became one of the richest in the state. By 1881, Calico was a boomtown that would provide millions in silver and borax, and a town population of 1,200. Over 500 mines including the legendary Silver King, Oriental and Bismarck produced Calico’s fortune between 1881 and 1907. In the mid 1890’s silver dropped from $1.31 an ounce to 63 cents, Calico became a ghost of its former self. Calico officially died in 1907 with borax deposits playing out.

Calico Ghost Town is a popular restored silver-mining boom town of the 1880’s. One underground silver mine and several of the 19th century buildings still exist.

What a Beautiful place this is!

“Do what you love,love what you do”!
