“Last Day Of “Road To Hell”(My Special Thanks To All)

It was my last day of shooting for the “Road To Hell“. It was another scorcher of a hot day. Temperatures only in the upper 90’s yet it felt like it was in the hundreds. Even the desert ants on the ground knew better than to be out in the hot sun. A true test to “survival of the fittest“. The day’s shooting was great! We all worked so hard and we got so much done. My hands applaud, and my hat is off to the amazing crew. They had endured more of the day’s heat then anyone else. By midday a few of the crew were feeling the stress of the heat. They seriously deserve a big hand of applause. 

I’d like to thank my fellow Thespians for an incredible job! I’d like to start off by thanking Chris Rodrick for his professional consistency in the role of deputy Jeremy.

To Howard Nair for his amazing character development for the Bluesman. To Leah Cohen who played my daughter Mia for her tenacity, passion and wit in continuing her scenes even after being bitten by crazy huge ants. To the young sheriff Will and Joann for setting the tone of the film. 

A Special Thanks to our Director Rodrigo Fonseca for his visionary insight to tell the story and to his guidance while shooting my character. To our Director of Photography Eduardo Barraza for his technical expertise and integrity in making every shot an award winning shot.

To our 1st A.D. Anish Dedhia for his fantastic organizational skills and leadership skills in running his crew for every scene. To our UPM producer Angel Jimenez Jr. for his communication skills and his ability to keep the entire company on time and on budget. To associate producer and 2nd A.D. Jennifer Alavez for keeping my paperwork in order, getting paid and crafts service.

To our Sound Designer and Boom person Ezequiel Dobrovsky who was always hiding in the shadows until it came to audio…then he was all over it! lol.  To our Make Up Artist Wren Witting for her special effects makeup, Her attention to detail and always on set when needed was reassuring.

To great Wardrobe Costumer Charlene, Grips, and the PA’s thank you very much. It was a pleasure working with everyone. I had a lot of fun. Looking forward to seeing you all again at the premier screening of the film. 

Photo below was taken after we wrapped for the day. From left to right… Ezequiel Dobrovsky, Larry Haney, Rodrigo Fonseca, and Howard Nair


“Back To Gatorade City”!


I had met an actor named Mike at Sophie’s Costume Company that was getting fitted for another film at the same time I was getting my wardrobe fitting for The “Pinhole Effect” and then on the day of shooting he shows up as a background actor for my scene! What are the odds of that happening??

On the 13th I’m back on the “Road To Hell”. I will be going back to the same ghost town in the Mojave Desert. Talk about Hot, Hot, Hot… and I’m not talking about the actors. I mean the weather! “Gatorade City” is my new name for the ghost town!! Wish me luck..I’m going in!!!
